The Evaluation: Question 4

Question 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

I would see our audience would be educated people from 15 - 30 years of age and I believe their will be an equal amount of boys and girls roughlt. I believe first of all a small amount of education is at least required as the nature of Mr. Tate will need some mild understanding rather than people just assuming 'psycho'. To receive full satisfaction and understanding from the film, it important that they realize he is not well mentally and not just hell bent on murder and there is something behind it all. The age range is due to the violence factor. It is a little too high for younger viewers as it is quite violent in places and has scenes such as stranglings. 30 years of age will be where the age range begins to stop due to the age of the characters and the whole concept of a story as older people may not be interested in the storyline. A certificate of 18 will of course have to be added to the film due to the violence and maybe some of the language and the sexual nature of the filmwill not be suitable for younger viewers by any means. This is especially nessecary as it will likely be a DVD success if it does well in the cinema as the age of our audience will me most likely to buy it and watch with friends. Finally i believe there will be no division of genders in this film as it has offers for both sexes in the film.

An ideal member of our audience is Eric. Eric is 18 years old and enjoys films, his favourites of which are the Da Vinci Code, the Saw films and the series of the Hannibal films as they require either more concentration to the plot or relate to a criminal with sophisticated mind. Every Wednesday he goes out with his girlfriend to the cinema, a trip which they both enjoy. He loves music such as dubstep and indie and plays in a band when he is not studying. He is in his first year at university and studies criminal psychology which he enjoys. The career he aspires towards is to work in the forensics department and to work on the psychological side of the police force.

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